Kim Crooks, professional at American Golf will help you hit your drives straighter and further with her tips to avoid a common issue that plagues many golfers – the slice.

One of the main ways of preventing a slice is ball position.

Driving tips with Ricky Gray

An ideal setup has the ball inline with the instep of our left heel (for right handed players – right for left handed players). Doing this helps us unlock the hips throughout our golf swing, allowing us to generate as much speed as possible throughout our swing.

A ball positioned in the centre of our stance makes it much more likely that we will cut across the ball with the face open and our shot will veer to the right.

How to get more consistent ball striking

Place the ball too far back in the stance and we will create an out to in swing path which will leave the ball finishing out to the right.

Follow Kim’s tips to prevent a pesky slice ruining your round.

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