This is a very common misconception I hear from numerous new clients. The first priority for a coach is the longevity and care of the golfer who has entrusted you to assist with their golf.

I would like to highlight a few areas that will hopefully put your mind at ease if you are a ‘heel raiser’ in the backswing.

One of the major issues of planting your left heel on the backswing is the inability to turn the body efficiently….

LET IT TURN, LET IT TURNBreak 90 - Heel Raiser Break 90 - Heel Raiser

These images above clearly demonstrate the restriction both in the hips and upper body during the backswing.

This results in a lack of weight shift to the non- target leg on the backswing with a potential for the swing to become an arms-dominated movement with little shoulder turn.

This unwanted static move can be clearly identified as the belt buckle is still pointing at the ball. This will lead to a loss of power and potentially strike issues with specific clubs – especially the driver.

Break 90 - Heel Raiser Break 90 - Heel RaiserThese images above show how I have turned my lower body freely with the belt buckle having moved. This has been assisted by the heel raise and turning of the hips and knee to the right.

This has allowed me to turn freely around a stable non-target side storing the power. I am now ready to begin the powerful transition to impact, delivering maximum power with minimal effort.

This heel raise is a must for golfers who have restrictions or injuries.

Sarah is a PGA Fellow and Head Teaching Professional at Three Rivers Golf & Country Club. She is also the England U18 East Region Head Coach. 


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