Our glutes are the largest muscles in our body and they should be the strongest. Weak glutes can sometimes be associated with lower back pain and tightness in the hips and hamstrings; it is therefore important that we train these muscles and get them functioning properly. They allow us to create stability in our golf swing and also generate force through the ground to the club.


Lie on your back and bend your knees, place your hands to the side and then squeeze your bottom as you drive your hips upwards. Hold for a count of two and then relax and bring your bottom back down to the floor. Ensure that you only extend the hips by squeezing your glutes, you shouldn’t feel this in the lower back or hamstrings.


Two or three sets of 10-15 repetitions. Once these get a little easier, progress by adding a little weight.



The ability to stabilise the core and lower body, whilst the torso and shoulders rotate is a key fundamental to solid ball striking, consistency and balance in the golf swing. This is a great move for improving mobility of the hips, strengthening the core, glutes and legs, and developing mobility and good rotation in the torso.


Step one leg forward and lunge down to place the opposite hand on the fl oor next to it. Keep the back knee off the floor and stabilise this position. Then reach up towards the ceiling with your free arm and rotate the upper body into the forward leg. Hold the position for a count of three then repeat on the other side.


Two or three sets of six repetitions as a warm up.



This is a great exercise to help you strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve your ability to stabilise the spine whilst the arms and legs are moving. Golfers who are unable to do this may over swing, arch their lower back and struggle to control their swing. Strengthening these muscles will protect the lower back and improve your control.


Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and arms out in front of you. Then slowly lower the opposite arm and leg, trying to keep them straight until they are just an inch off the floor. Your lower back should remain in contact with the floor at all times. Hold the position for a count of then and then return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite arm/leg.


Two or three sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Rachael Tibbs is a TPI L2 Certified Golf Fitness Professional, who specialises in golf-specific strength and conditioning.

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