Follow Rachel’s seven easy steps to create this amazing arrangement


  1. Soak your oasis in water until it sinks, then use a knife to cut it to the size of your container. Next, snip the stems of your foliage and flowers at a sharp angle.


2. Remove any leaves from the base of the stems as this will avoid making large holes in your oasis.


3. Place your foliage around the edge of the container to make an outline for your arrangement


4.Start filling in the top of the oasis with the twigs and foliage.


5. When you’re happy with the shape, start adding your flowers. Place the larger heads towards the top and centre and the smaller ones around the outside


6. Choose your ‘focal’ flower (in this case a rose), and place the largest in the very centre of the arrangement.


7. Check that no oasis is showing and give your arrangement a water.


5 tips for arranging like a pro

● If you’re not sure if your container is watertight, try lining it with cellophane or placing the oasis in a smaller dish inside the container.

● Use a selection of greenery and twigs from your garden to add texture and interest.

● Equally distribute your foliage to create a nice rhythm through the arrangement.

● When adding your flowers, always keep within the outline you made with the foliage.

● Keep your flowers out of direct sunlight.

This instruction has been brought to you by Lily’s of Bramhope, who are an independent florist based in Leeds, West Yorkshire who provide flowers for all occasion, gifts, cards and balloons.

Follow them on Twitter : @LilysofBramhope, Facebook and Instagram.


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