Golf tips: How to maintain your energy levels on the course
When you feel hungry, thirsty or tired, you’re not going to play your best golf.
We all know how tempting it can be to reach for a chocolate bar and a can of fizzy pop, but the intense sugar rush from these products gives you a huge spike in energy, and a short while later you come crashing down.
A better approach to maintaining steady energy levels is to consume products containing slow-release carbohydrates.
These break down the sugars more slowly, so won’t give you an energy high, but won’t leave you with a low either. Slow-release protein also feeds your muscles gradually, providing you with sustainable energy so you can play without your stomach rumbling.
I’m a self-confessed chocoholic but with an average 58g chocolate bar containing around 10g of fat and around 35g of sugar, it might taste great for a moment, but it doesn’t leave me feeling good afterwards!
Consuming slow-release carbs, slow-release protein, less sugar, less saturated fats and keeping yourself well hydrated will help you play better.